No Insurance Surgery ®

About Kevin C. Petersen, M.D.

Portrait of Dr. PetersenDoctor Kevin C. Petersen has 36 years experience as a board certified general surgeon and hernia surgery specialist. He also has 28 years experience as a hernia mesh explant surgeon for patients with crippling hernia mesh pain.

He has broad experience in surgery including the above, transplant surgery, vascular surgery, Chicago based trauma surgery and surgical critical care. He is a member of SAG having had a small part in the movie Backdraft playing a critical care surgeon. He was the director of the surgical ICU at the time.

About No Insurance Surgery

No Insurance Surgery was created by Dr. Petersen on 2005. At that time there were 45 million Americans with no health insurance of any kind. The mission of No Insurance surgery was to provide affordable surgery for patients without health insurance. This was done by negotiating facilities fees and anesthesia fees and putting them together in a package which also included the surgeon's fees. This achieved a huge cost savings for the patient more than the patient could negotiate on their own. This is much like what an insurance company does but an insurance company has large administrative and marketing costs and charges their own fees, taking a huge profit.

About Helping Hands Surgical Care 501(c)(3) charity

Helping Hands Surgical Care charity was created by Dr. Petersen in 2006. The mission of Helping Hands was to provide needed surgery to patients at no cost. This was achieved by Dr. Petersen and other doctors donating their time and services and community support to pay for necessary expenses. In 2008 the Affordable Care Act was passed and joint Federal and State Medicaid programs were expanded and new affordable health insurance programs were created. This took nearly all of the uninsured Americans off the uninsured roles and Helping Hands was no longer needed. Community support understandably disappeared.

Former Patients

He considers all patients, patients for life. He welcomes contact from all former patients.
